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7 Effective Questions We Forget to Ask

Link to 7 Questions Videos

Every generation produces a few genius thinkers whose contributions add massive clarity (value) to society.

Jim Collins is one of those thinkers. Here’s what makes him different… his work is based on real-world data packaged in useful analogies.

When you watch the 7 short videos here, you’ll walk away with clarity to make daily actions more effective without taking tons of time.

One of my favorite “differentiators” he describes in one video delineates the edge between people following a leader or following a cause. See the difference there? All the academics, thought leaders, and texts teach “following a leader.” But Jim’s real-world research reveals that a more effective path for people is following a cause.

Grab a pen, paper, and quiet spot to gain direction and a feasible course to more effective daily actions for heart, mind, mission, and time left alive!

LINK to Jim Collin’s 7 Videos

Element: Strategy

7 Effective Questions We Forget to Ask ​(free)

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    If you haven’t done so already, enter your email to get the free audio series covering the entire map to make daily actions more effective without taking tons of time for heart, mind, mission, and time left alive! Enter your email and we can begin right now, together!  -Tom

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