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10 Communication Secrets to be More Effective

Have you ever been the recipient of communication that moved your stress, effective, and happy meters more into red or yellow?

That feels terrible, doesn’t it.

Words matter when we communicate with people.

Effective words can move the same stress, effective, and happy meters more into the green.

Effective wording, thus effective communication, begins with an effective mindset. Having a few “secrets” in our communication mindset playbook can really make a difference in where the stress, effective, and happy meters point during and after any communication.

So, here is a link to “10 Communication Secrets of Great Leaders.”

These 10 Communication Secrets are applicable in any life role: partner, parent, peer, mentor, boss, board member… and more.

I hope they help make daily actions more effective, more excellent, without taking tons of time, so stress, effective, and happy meters move more into the green.

CREDIT / LINK:  10 Communication Secrets of Great Leaders by Mike Myatt

10 Communication Secrets to be More Effective (free)
10 Communication Secrets to be More Effective (free)
10 Communication Secrets to be More Effective (free)

What Secret Was Most Useful For You?

Share your experience with here (I read each message myself -Tom)

    PS: If you haven’t done so already, enter your email to get the free audio series covering the entire map to make daily actions more effective without taking tons of time for heart, mind, mission, and time left alive! Enter your email and we can begin, together! -Tom

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